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An Exploration of Immigration Visa Types

express Entry Visa - Canadian Visas


The Canadian visa is an official document issued by the Canadian government, allowing foreigners to enter and stay in the country for a specific purpose and period, usually placed inside a passport, this entry document is authenticated by foreign government offices in Canada and differs from work or study permits.

There are various types of Canadian visas, each designed for specific purposes such as tourism, family visits, or business trips, this visa is considered the first gateway that opens the door for individuals from all over the world to explore the diverse opportunities and experiences offered by Canada, starting from its cultural richness to its educational institutions and professional opportunities.

Canada offers multiple types of visas depending on the purpose of the visit and the applicant's qualifications.

Here are some of the main types of visas:


Single Entry Visa:

This visa allows you to visit Canada one time for a specified period. After leaving the country, you will need to reapply for a new visitor visa to return, even if your initial single-entry visa is still valid. You can stay in Canada for up to 6 months maximum on this visa.

Multiple Entry Visitor Visa:

This visa allows visitors to enter and leave the country for a period of up to 6 months without needing to reapply each time. This type of visa can be valid for up to 10 years. Even if you apply for a single-entry visa, you are automatically considered for a multiple-entry visa, thanks to a change in immigration law in February 2014.

Super Visa:

The Super Visa:

can be issued to parents or grandparents of someone already living in Canada as a citizen or permanent resident. It is an extended stay temporary resident multiple-entry visa that lasts for up to 10 years, also, the visitor can remain in Canada for up to 24 months on their initial visit, as opposed to a maximum time of up to 6 months for a single and multiple-entry visitor visa.

Electronic Travel Authorization: If you plan to enter Canada and do not hold a valid study or work permit and you are a citizen of a visa-exempt country, you must apply for an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) if you plan to enter Canada by air, the only exception is for citizens with an electronic travel authorization.

Study Permit:

International students need a study permit to pursue education at designated learning institutions in Canada, if you want to study at a Canadian institution in a program that lasts for more than six months, you must have a study permit.

To apply for a study permit, you must first be accepted into a program at a Canadian school and provide a letter of acceptance from a Canadian school, you must also prove that you have sufficient funds and are not inadmissible, and intend to leave Canada once your permit expires.

Express Entry Visa:

This is for skilled workers who wish to immigrate to Canada permanently. It is a points-based system where candidates are assessed based on factors like age, education, work experience, and language proficiency. Fast Track Entry is the fastest and most popular pathways to permanent residency in Canada. The Express Entry system manages three main economic immigration programs: Federal Skilled Workers, Federal Skilled Trades, and Canadian Experience Class. Applications submitted through the Express Entry system may be processed within as little as six months.

Family Sponsorship Visa:

Canadian citizens and permanent residents can sponsor their family members to come and live in Canada. If your relatives become permanent residents of Canada, they have the opportunity to live, study, and work in the country. As an individual at least 18 years old and meeting specific criteria, you can sponsor various relatives, including your parents, spouse, and children, to come to Canada.

Eligibility criteria for becoming a sponsor include being a Canadian citizen, being registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act, or holding permanent resident status.

These are some of the main visa categories in Canada, but there may be additional specialized visas or programs depending on specific circumstances and agreements between Canada and other countries,It is essential to check the official website of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for the most up-to-date information on visa types and application processes.

Additionally, consulting with an immigration specialist can help you navigate the complex application process I recommend consulting Sidra Immigration Consultants.


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