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The third draw for the Canadian Express Entry program of 2024

Immigration News to Canada


The third Canadian Express Entry draw of 2024 was held today! Express Entry draw 281 saw a Lowest CRS score of 541 and invited 730 candidates from all programs to apply.

Express Entry Draw 281

Number of Invitations Issued: 730

Minimum CRS: 541

Program Specified:  General

General Express Entry Draw

Express Entry draw #281 issued 730 Invitations to Apply (ITA) to candidates with a minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) of 541. There was no program specified for this draw, meaning that invitations to apply may be issued to candidates from the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), Canadian Experience Class (CEC), Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) and Provincial Nominee Program.


Today’s draw is the third of the category  “General” of 2024. The last draw for the same category was held on January 24, 2024., which invited 1,040 candidates from all programs without any specific category restrictions. The CRS score of lowest-ranked candidate invited was 543. This means that if your Express Entry profile had a CRS score of 543 or higher, you could have been eligible for an invitation in that draw.


This is the lowest CSR score for the three draws in the general category conducted this year. The lowest score in 2023 for the category was 481, and the draw took place on March 29, 2023, through which 7,000 invitations to apply were sent



Number of Candidates in the Current Express Entry Pool

The IRCC updates the number of people in the Express Entry pool a few days before an invitation round takes place. Numbers change as new profiles are submitted, profiles expire or are issued






As of today the composition of the Express Entry pool is:


CRS Score Range                                                                   Number of Candidates

601-1200                                                                                                      534

501-600                                                                                                        7,926

451-500                                                                                                        60,120

491-500                                                                                                         6,787

481-490                                                                                                         9,668

471-480                                                                                                         17,586

461-470                                                                                                         14,160

451-460                                                                                                         11,919

401-450                                                                                                         54,181

441-450                                                                                                         10,930

431-440                                                                                                         11,219

421-430                                                                                                         10,104

411-420                                                                                                        10,874

401-410                                                                                                         11,054

351-400                                                                                                         57,855

301-350                                                                                                         29,709

0-300                                                                                                               5,401

Total                                                                                                              215,726

Updated             January 30, 2024


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